A blog post in lieu of other blog posts

Friends and me at Hendry Wines a couple of weeks ago. One of many things I meant to blog about….

OK, so I have this friend, and she has a great blog.

Why is it great? Well, she writes well, has a good sense of humor, talks about interesting things and isn’t afraid to have an opinion. But, I honestly think that is only 50% of why it is a great blog. The other 50% is because she posts very regularly.  She wrote four times in July, actually a small amount for her, but still once a week. When you go to her blog, you know you are likely to see a post, and be entertained.

Now, me on the other hand? I think I have an ok blog. I am still trying to find a good balance from being enthusiastic over stuff, and talking too much, and also writing about whatever is interesting in the moment, and not just when something is amazing. But my number one problem is I do not do it enough, and I do not blog on a consistent schedule. I’m a little bit better at keeping my tumblr going, but that is mostly because of reblogs.

I’m trying to change that, but it seems unlikely.
So this post is a round up of things I have meant to blog about, basically since January.
Some may end up being posts of their own eventually, but most will not. As it is kind of a ramble, I will put it behind a tag.

2012 Things I Meant to Blog About:

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27 hours in California

My “Favorite Things from Four Years in NYC” series will continue, but for now, a quick reflection on the first 27 hours back in California:

– My luggage was impressive, I should have taken a picture.

– ROOM by Emma Donohue is amazing, and was excellent plane reading.
(X-Men First Class was an ok plane movie)

– My family rocks, as per usual.

-“Sleeping in” ended up meaning 7AM, BUT I got to drive Morgan to school, so it was worth it.

– I love having TV and DVR! I know from the majority of the last 7 years, I absolutely don’t need it, but dear god I love it! (Top Model and Free Agents were my companions today)

– California is so beautiful!

– I still love lettuce wraps from PF Chang (available on both coasts) but they are better while chatting with my Mom in person.  And, Mom and I still have the best convos while driving in the car.

– I bought tickets for Lys, Joe & I to see “An Evening with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer” at the beginning of November and am way excited.

– Sigmund Stern is a brilliant dog park with lovely people.

– I don’t miss New York yet, but I think it still feels like vacation and not a permanent change.

– Sometimes walking around a mall with two of your favorite people in the world can be the best way to spend an evening.

– I really love listening to KNBR for Giants radio. Those guys are great. (And the Panda got a cycle, woo!)

– I still like cities more than the suburbs, but I think the next 4-6 months here will be restful and restorative.

– New job tomorrow… excited and terrified, but mostly excited.